Monday, November 15, 2004

Three Gorges Dam, China

An Environmental Catastrophe or Engineering Masterpiece?

What do you think?

China Online - A good overview which includes positives and negatives

Chinese People Daily - Some good pictures of the construction of the Dam

BBC Picture File - The Scale of the Dam is clearly shown here

The Tiger Leaping Forward Dam! - Now the Chines Government are thinking about building another dam!

CNN - China's biggest construction project since the Great Wall generates controversy at home and abroad

Sediment problem eased at Three Gorges - Siltation at Three Gorges was always going to be a problem. From The China Daily

Cracks appear in Three Gorges dam - The Guardian Reported problems with the Dam just after the reservoir was filled

Hidden danger behind Three Gorges dam - Could an Earthquake Destroy the Three Gorges Dam?

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